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Tourism & Events Queensland

Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) is a statutory body of the Queensland Government and the state’s lead marketing, destination and experience development and major events agency.

TEQ aim to build Queensland's tourism and events industry to foster innovation, drive industry growth and boost visitor expenditure.

An overview of TEQ’s strategic direction to Reset, Restart and Regenerate post COVID can be seen below.

There are two key areas that TEQ could potentially provide benefits to clubs being:

  1. Queensland Destination Events Program (QDEP) funding; and
  2. Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) listing benefits.

Queensland Destination Events Program 

Opportunities exist for clubs to gain access to TEQ funding via applications to the Queensland Destination Events Program (QDEP), formerly the Regional Development Program (RDP).

This program typically offers two funding options for regional events:

  • Destination event funding – single year funding for developing events seeking growth ($10,000 - $25,000 per year); and
  • Significant event funding – single year or up to three years of funding for events that can demonstrate a strong track record of growth or growth potential ($25,000 - $100,000 per year).

This funding program seeks to generate local economic activity and development in the host destination, attract external visitation to the destination and drive social and community outcomes for the host destination, noting the important link between community outcomes and economic benefits.

If a club is successful in securing TEQ funding, it can be utilised to support marketing campaign costs, strategic plan development, engagement of short-term specialised personnel and the hire of temporary infrastructure.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply for funding through the QDEP, an event must meet the following key objectives:

Destination event funding
The event must take place wholly within Queensland. The applicant must be able to demonstrate the historical size of the event in terms of:

  • Audience
  • Spectator numbers
  • Participant numbers, and/or
  • Media profile
  • The applicant must be able to demonstrate the event's capacity to grow against the baseline
    Significant event funding

In addition to the criteria for destination event funding, events seeking significant event funding must meet the following criteria:

  • Your event is in (at a minimum) its third year
  • Proposed events date fall within the funding round
  • All relevant supporting documents have been provided
  • The event must have received a minimum of one year of destination event support and have met all the requirements as outlined in the contract
  • Funding of no more than 25 per cent of the total event cash expense budget may be applied for
  • The event must provide a recent report showing evidence of the total number of event attendees (including participants and spectators), specifically detailing the breakdown and number of visitors from outside the region; this information must be independently gathered and reported, or independently verified
  • The event must present a strong opportunity for Queensland and demonstrate extensive recognition outside the region in which it is held in terms of visitation and/or media profile

Funding rounds

Refer to the schedule below for details of eligible event dates and the details of future funding rounds.

Funding Round   Round Opens   Round Closes   Eligible Event Dates   
27 November 2023 February 2024 September 2024 - September 2025
28 March 2024 June 2024 January 2025 - January 2026

Please note that results from your current event must be included in your funding application, therefore your current event must be completed before you can apply for funding.

To apply for destination event funding: Destination event funding application form

Key factors to consider when developing a submission are:

  •  How will the event drive tourist visitation - and by extension, overnight stays and bed nights?
  • How will the event help highlight the region to a new audience?
  • How will the event develop a sense of community pride?

Data To Support Your Submission

It is strongly recommended that clubs substantiate their submissions with attendance data and outline clear objectives and strategies in relation to growing the event.

Additional case studies or other information to support your submission, such as accommodation figures and patronage uplift from local hotels, restaurants etc could all aid your submission.

Racing Queensland can assist with data curated from recent industry Size and Scope reports to support your submission. This data will not be club or event specific but will help demonstrate the potential economic impact of additional event attendees.

Australian Tourism Data Warehouse

The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) is Australia’s national platform for digital tourism information on Australia. TEQ works in partnership with the ATDW, which is Australia’s largest tourism network. 

All Queensland clubs have the opportunity to list their club and events on the ATDW site – and the listings are currently free.

This content is electronically accessible by tourism business owners (tourism operators), wholesalers, retailers, and distributors for use in their websites and booking systems. Events are showcased at Queensland.com.

Additionally, a listing on the ATDW gives you access to tourism resources and assets to assist with promoting your event and raise your understanding and confidence with online digital technologies.