For resources, tools and information on club matters.
Racing Queensland is committed to partnering with clubs, supporting our industry, and delivering benefits to the community. RQ currently provides advice and support services to clubs including:
- Club administration
- Capital Planning
- Grant applications
- Master Planning
- Track maintenance support
- Project management & design queries
Should you have any questions regarding information contained on this portal or require additional support, please reach out to the RQ Club Partnerships and Assets team directly or submit an enquiry form.
Quick Links
You may be interested in some of our links to commonly used resources
- Commercial Compliance Checklist Tiers 1-3
- Commercial Compliance Checklist Tier 4
- Monthly Club Operational Checklist Tiers 1-3
- Guidelines to conducting your AGM
- RQ Governance Reform - What's Happening?
- Model Venue Terms of Entry
- Stabling & Training Contract Template
- Induction pack template for new committee members
- Shared Ambulance Float Agreement
latest updates
You may be interested in some of our latest resources listed below:
Webinar - A tour of Race Cube Portal
Race Club Committee Training Session - Insurance
October Cheer a Volunteer Winner
Race Club Committee Training Session - RQ Club Portal
September Cheer a Volunteer Winner
Incorporated Associations - OFT Smart Guide
Incorporated Associations - Disclosing remuneration and other benefits
Race Club Committee Training Session - AGM
July 2024 Cheer a Volunteer Winner
Thoroughbred Trainer's Insurance Levy 2023/2024
Queensland Racing Industry Size and Scope - 2022/2023
Race Club Committee Training Session - Club Governance
Race Club Committee Training Session - Financial Principles
May 2024 Cheer a Volunteer winner
Race Club Committee Training Session - Club Committee Functions
Cheer a Volunteer Awards Program
Licensed Venue Standards - Thoroughbred
Tracks & Training Annual Budget Template - Thoroughbred
What is Race Cube?
Race Cube is the secure portal that clubs use to interact with RQ on a range of matters from licencing, compliance and making grant applications, just to name a few.
Who can use Race Cube?
Each club has a nominated contact, but if a club needs to provide access to a committee member, or an employee of the club, please email clublicensing@racingqueensland.com.au.
How do I reset my password?
Click on the “Forgot your password?” link and follow the prompts to enter the email address RQ used to create your Race Cube account. You will be sent an email to reset your password. If you don’t get an email, check your junk folder, or reach out to RQ on 07 3869 9429.