Commercial Arrangements
Below provides a range of tools and templates to support club commercial arrangements.
Sponsorship Contracts
To help clubs formalise their sponsorship arrangements, RQ has developed a Sponsorship Contract Template
Stabling and Training Contracts
To help clubs formalise their training arrangements, RQ has developed a Stabling and Training Contract Template.
View the template here.
Should the club choose to utilise the template, please consider below:
- The document aims to provide a template for clubs to consider when entering into an arrangement to share starting gates (including trailer).
- It is important that the document is read in its entirety prior to use so that all terms are understood and amended as necessary to suit clubs participating in the shared arrangement.
- Highlighted sections within the document require customisation according to the instruction/options provided in square brackets. Clubs should ensure all highlighted sections of the document are addressed prior to use.
- RQ does not warrant or represent that the template agreement contained within this document will be fit for purpose for each participating club’s individual arrangements.
- Participating clubs should satisfy themselves that this document is suitable for their own specific needs, seeking independent legal advice where appropriate.
Establishing a loan agreement
Occasionally clubs may receive loans from key members or other external parties to assist with working capital and other projects. The following factsheet is to assist clubs to undertake the correct protocols and formalise these loans with the appropriate documentation.
Leasing arrangements
Many clubs lease their racing facilities. There are numerous factors that clubs must consider when entering a lease. RQ has developed the following guideline to assist club's to navigate this process:
Considerations when entering into a new lease
DIscounted MEdia Advertising
Did you know that RQ has commercial partnership with News Corp Australia and as a result race clubs can access a discount on advertising: